Summer holidays are a perfect time to outfit your outdoor dining area or other parts of your backyard or patio. We are working on our backyard which is huge so we’re only focusing on the dining area currently. Here are some things I’ve ordered, or are on my wish list. At our house my husband is the client so I pulled together a vision board for him. This shows him …
Is it a Mudroom, a Pantry or a Shoebox?
I cannot believe 2016 is already over, it’s really flown by. I always say that, but this year it seems especially true. Wait….I think I always say that too. Ha! I am really looking forward to 2017 though, New Year’s always feel like such a great opportunity to get organized.
High Seas Nursery
Alright guys. This is it. This is the nursery that was chosen out of the three I proposed to our friends. You may recall (or not because it’s been forever since I posted) that our close friends were expecting their second kiddo and I designed the nursery.